The Cayambis Young String Orchestra Series
“Original Music from Latin America by Latin American Composers”
Curated by Dr. John L. Walker, the Cayambis Young String Orchestra Series was created to introduce young orchestras to Latin American classical music written by Latin American composers. These are not arrangements; rather, the grade two and grade three works in this series are original pieces specifically composed for educational, artistic and cultural objectives.

Series consultant Molly Wilkens-Reed, who is a viola instructor at Virginia Tech, and also the director of the Virginia Tech String Project, has collaborated with the composers and editors of this series to evaluate each work and to place grade-level appropriate bowing indications in each work.
The materials for each work in this series consist of a conductor’s score and the following parts:
8ea. Violin I, II
3 Viola (with an alternate part for violin printed on the reverse side)
5 Violoncello
5 String bass
1 Piano
The marketing of our publications supports the nonprofit Cayambis Institute, formed to increase greater appreciation for Latin American classical music by providing opportunities for people who want to perform, compose or write about this music. Want to learn more? Click here for more information.